GB’s electricity in greenest day over Easter

Great Britain’s electricity system recorded its greenest day ever on Easter bank holiday, as sunny and windy weather led to more renewable energy sources being used.
The Guardian reports that power plants in England, Scotland and Wales produced just 39g of carbon dioxide for every kilowatt-hour of electricity – the lowest carbon intensity recorded since records began in 1935, according to the National Grid.
This new low beat the previous record of 46g on 24th May 2020 which happened during the country’s greenest ever month for electricity generation.
On Easter Monday, wind turbines and solar farms generated 60% of all electricity over bank holiday lunch. At the same time, nuclear reactors provided just 16% of the electricity mix, meaning 76% of the UK grid was powered by low-carbon sources.
Emissions from electricity generation have fallen sharply in the UK over the last twelve months because demand from office blocks, restaurants and hotels dramatically reduced due to Covid-19.
As the economy started its slow reopening during March, wind and solar power made up 24% and 4% of the electricity mix respectively, while gas-fired power plants made up the majority of electricity output at 39% of the mix. Carbon intensity reached 185g CO2/kWh, but this is expected to fall during the summer thanks to solar power.
Carbon intensity fell to 181g of CO2/kWh in 2020 due to the collapsed demand for electricity during lockdowns. However, the UK’s current climate targets state the this needs to be cut to 50g of CO2/kWh in 2030, 10g in 2035 and 2g by 2050.
Use greener tools with greener electricity
With greener electricity being produced every year in Great Britain, the tide is certainly on the way of turning away from carbon sources. While the power output is getting greener, it’s important that we all do what we can to use greener tools to improve the environment around us as well.
Petrol will be a thing of the past in the near future, meaning alternatives are required. This is true in the gardening sector, where petrol-powered tools have been king for a long time. Now, battery power is ready to take over to lead us all into a greener future.
Our specialist team has created the EGO Power+ range of garden tools, which offer petrol-powered performance without the dangerous emissions of a petrol engine. With each battery usable on every tool from cordless brush cutters to battery powered mowers, you can say goodbye to petrol and do your bit for the environment.
We’re passionate about our Challenge 2025 movement to leave petrol behind, which is why we’ve published The Report which showed that 80% of respondents agree that battery power is quiet, safe, low maintenance and environmentally friendly.
Discover more about our work and take up the challenge by downloading The Report here: