Charities Guy’s and St Thomas’ plan to raise £40m to reduce air pollution across London

As air pollution across London reaches new heights, the urge to tackle pollution within the city has become a top priority for charities such as Guy’s and St Thomas’.
Last week (March 13), as reported in, a programme was launched which focuses on the threat of air pollution and how it affects all generations including adolescents and the elderly as well as those who already suffer from chronic illness.
To help control the amount of air pollution across London, Guy’s and St Thomas will be investing £40m across a ten-year period in an attempt to tackle the toxic pollution.
In partnership with King’s College London, Global Action Plan and CrispinCo, the charity can gather data, particularly in Lambeth and Southwalk, the most polluted areas of London, and produce solutions to tackle the ongoing battle.
According to Air Quality News, five out of ten hospitals in Lambeth and Southwark are in an area where PM2.5 is 50% higher than what the World Health Organisation recommends.
It was also concluded that homes account for 15% and schools 6%. All of which are exposed to extremely dangerous levels of CO2 emissions.
Jacob West, executive director of Healthcare Innovation at the British Heart Foundation points out that despite smoke from chimneys, deadly smog and sooty car fumes encouraging air pollution, what people aren’t aware of is that it’s everywhere, even when you can’t see it.
Although London’s air quality raises concern for vulnerable residents and working professionals, the impact that it’s having on health and everyone’s future, has not been stressed.
Thankfully, EGO is already on board with making a difference by offering battery-powered outdoor solutions to conquer the dangers associated with petrol.