L’Europa intende essere il primo continente a emissioni zero

According to the president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, Europe hopes to become the first carbon neutral continent.

To reach the ambitious goal by 2050, air and water must be clean, buildings must be renovated and people must live in greener and healthier cities.

Last month, the European Union kicked off Green Week, a series of events taking place to examine how EU policies such as the Green Deal can help restore and protect nature.

The Green Deal itself hopes to transform Europe and make it the first climate-neutral continent by removing all emissions transmitted into the earth’s atmosphere.

To avoid catastrophic climate change, the world must achieve carbon neutrality, limiting global warming to below 1.5 ° C and 2 ° C.

To implement Europe’s action plan, various changes and investments are needed to achieve climate neutrality such as:

  • Investments in environmentally friendly technologies
  • Refurbish buildings to be energy efficient
  • Decarbonising the energy sector
  • Collaborate with other international partners to improve environmental standards
  • Implementation of cleaner and healthier modes of transport

Every ten years, the Commission has called for long-term strategies to be implemented to show how they intend to reach the 2050 target and propose drastic reductions to tackle climate change.

The plans must cover the following:

  • Reduction of emissions
  • Specific plans for all sectors, including transportation, building and construction
  • Stime globali di investimenti, strategie e sviluppo a lungo termine
  • Effetto socioeconomico previsto delle misure di decarbonizzazione

La Commissione ha rivelato che nei prossimi dieci anni verrà fornito un investimento di 1 trilione di euro per sostenere il cambiamento climatico.

Verrà inoltre utilizzato un insieme di finanziamenti pubblici e privati, nonché il Meccanismo per una Transizione Giusta (JTM) per garantire che tutti i paesi seguano le stesse procedure con un obiettivo raggiunto in modo equo.

In EGO, facciamo del nostro meglio per proteggere l’ambiente fornendo attrezzature da giardino alimentate a batteria come alternativa sostenibile alla benzina.

Working towards climate neutrality and having a zero emissions target will significantly help protect the planet, particularly during a post-normal world.

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