Le Danemark veut interdire les voitures diesel et essence

According to Euronews, Denmark is calling for a ban on all diesel and gasoline cars by 2040.

The ban, supported by 10 other countries in the European Union, called for an EU-wide ban on diesel and gasoline cars due to the fight against climate change.

At a meeting of environment ministers, Denmark proposed the plan for a cleaner and greener future.

While the European Commission already plans to reduce emissions by 40%, the goal is to reduce them to zero by 2050, according to the article.

The ban on diesel and gasoline cars will put further pressure on the Commission by encouraging it to phase out fossil fuel vehicles to help stop global warming.

In 2018, Denmark announced that it would ban all sales of fossil-fueled cars by 2030 but had to abandon the idea because it would have violated existing EU rules.

If the EU is not able to accept the ban other European countries can implement new rules to combat climate change.

It is not only the ban on gasoline and diesel cars that needs to be targeted, but carbon leaks must also be addressed and the sale of used cars.

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